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ABA: The American Bankers Association
Banking Topic

CDFIs and MDIs

Community Development Financial Institutions and Minority Depository Institutions support job creation and economic vitality in underserved communities.

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CDFIs and MDIs are critical parts of the banking industry, with a mission to serve communities of color and low- to moderate-income communities across the United States. While many of these institutions are also ABA members, we support the missions of all CDFIs and MDIs and the important work they do to ensure that all communities are receiving the economic opportunities they need and deserve. 

CDFIs and MDIs at a Glance

Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) are private financial institutions with a mission to provide affordable lending and financial services to low-to-moderate income and disadvantaged communities.

Minority Depository Institutions (MDIs) are private financial institutions that serve Black, Latino/Hispanic, Native American and Asian American communities in the United States. The FDIC defines MDIs as institutions that have: 51 percent or more of the voting stock owned by minority individuals, or a majority of the board of directors is minority and the community that the institution serves is predominantly minority.

No. While many MDIs are also CDFIs, and vice versa, MDIs and CDFIs were founded for different historical reasons. Also, CDFI institutions are certified as such by the Department of Treasury. Both CDFIs and MDIs are dedicated to delivering responsible, affordable services to help low-income, low-wealth, and both people and communities join the economic mainstream.

Applications for CDFI certification are submitted to the Department of Treasury’s CDFI Fund for review. Applicants must meet each of the following requirements:

  • Is a legal entity at the time of certification application;
  • Has a primary mission of promoting community development;
  • Is a financing entity;
  • Primarily serves one or more target markets;
  • Provides development services in conjunction with its financing activities;
  • Maintains accountability to its defined target market; and
  • Is a non-government entity and not under the control of any government entity (Tribal governments excluded).

Funding Opportunities

There are a variety of funding sources that are set aside specifically for CDFIs and MDIs.

View list of funding sources

Related Training & Events

  • MDI Partnership Summit

    Conference | April 14, 2025

    April 14-15, 2025 | Washington, DC | Delve into best practices for forging mutually beneficial, long-term partnerships between MDIs and larger banks.

ABA Resources

Other Organizations Supporting the CDFI/MDI Mission

National Bankers Association

ABA’s strategic partnership with the National Bankers Association builds on existing membership overlap to more successfully collaborate on a variety of initiatives including: policy coordination, expanding NBA member access to ABA's training and education programs, and enhancing participation in the U.S. Treasury Department's Mentor-Protégé program for MDIs. ABA encourages its member banks to join NBA as associate members.

Community Development Bankers Association

As the national trade association of the community development bank sector, CDBA’s mission is to educate policy makers, regulators, and legislators on the importance of community development banks and thrifts. Visit the CDBA’s website to learn more.

Professional Development Grants from MinBanc

MinBanc Foundation has distributed professional development grants in excess of $600,000 to further employee education and training opportunities at minority- and women-owned banks since their founding. MinBanc reimburses tuition, certificate and online training, and conference registrations—up to $5,000 per bank, per calendar year. To learn more, visit minbanc.org or call (202) 489-9932.

Our Experts

Christopher Lewis


Contact Christopher

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Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Open Forum

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Community Engagement and Reinvestment Committee

The Committee assists bankers in finding constructive ways to encourage and promote sound lending and investments in their communities.

Fair Lending and UDAAP Working Group

Discuss fair lending issues and concerns, discuss regulatory expectations, and address problems banks are facing.

Environmental, Social, and Governance Working Group

ABA's Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Working Group will provide member banks with a forum for discussing the many facets of ESG engagement by banks, with a particular focus on advocacy.

Environmental, Social and Governance Network

An online discussion group where member banks can engage in peer-to-peer discussion, and find resources to assist them in expanding their ESG efforts in a rapidly changing environment.