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Program | ABA/ABA Financial Crimes Enforcement Conference


2025 Program

We’re working on this event’s program. To see the types of sessions you can expect, check out the 2024 program.

2024 Program

  • Tues, Oct 8

  • Wed, Oct 9

  • Thurs, Oct 10

Mon, Oct 7

11:00 AM – 6:30 PM

Elder Fraud Prevention Summit
(separate registration required for this event, it is not part of the ABA/ABA Financial Crimes Enforcement Conference)

Sponsored by the American Bankers Association Education Foundation

2:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Early Registration Open

Don’t wait in a long line Tuesday morning: If you are arriving in time, take advantage of our early registration.

Tues, Oct 8

7:30 AM - 5:00 PM

Conference Registration Open

7:30 AM - 8:15 AM


Power Breakfast #1
Cutting Through the AI Hype Cycle: A Survey of the Current State, Industry Headwinds, and Next Steps in Transaction Monitoring
Sponsored by: Davies

Over recent years, regulators have encouraged financial institutions to adopt new technologies, particularly in transaction monitoring. Despite AI's touted benefits, its adoption remains limited. This talk will explore current market trends, showcase technology use cases in transaction monitoring, and address challenges in AI/ML adoption.

  • Kurt Drozd, Director, Financial Crime & Regulatory Compliance, Davies Group

Power Breakfast #2
United We Stand. Strengthening Defenses Through Collaborative Consortiums
Sponsored by Unit21

Join us for a dynamic panel moderated by Lou Anne Alexander with experts John Wiethorn, , Jo Davenport, Kelly Caltabiano, and Lisa Lechner. This session will delve into the powerful role consortiums play in the fight against fraud. Our panelists will share insights on the evolution, successes, and strategies from their experiences in consortium-based fraud defense.

  • Jo Davenport, Vice President, Fraud Manager, Third Coast Bank
  • Lisa Lechner, Chief Compliance Officer, SpotOn
  • John Wiethorn, Head of Financial Crime Compliance & AML/BSA Officer, Gusto
  • Moderator: Lou Anne Alexander, Strategic Advisor, Unit21

8:00 AM - 8:30 AM

Continental Breakfast in the Foyer

9:00 AM - 10:00 AM


Keynote Address: Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence: A Treasury Update 

  • Bradley Smith, Acting Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence, US Department of Treasury
  • Moderator: Heather Trew, Senior Vice President and Counsel, BSA, AML and Sanctions, American Bankers Association

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Break in The Hub

Our new high-tech solutions hub is where you will engage directly with the top innovators in AML and Fraud.

Sponsored by Guidehouse

11:00 AM - 11:45 AM

Repeated in Series #2

1A New Red Flags in Fentanyl Trafficking
Repeated in 2A

As bad actors continue their efforts to allude authorities, they devise new schemes in their attempts to hide illicit fentanyl trafficking. Join us as we discuss the latest threats and actionable steps you can take to mitigate the risks.

  • Julie Carruthers, Director, Narcotics and National Security Section, IRS Criminal Investigation
  • Anthony (Tony) Sankey, Chief, Money Laundering, Forfeiture and Bank Fraud Unit, Federal Bureau of Investigation
  • Richard Weber, Partner, Winston & Strawn LLP
  • Moderator: Stephanie Brooker, Partner, Gibson Dunn & Crutcher LLP

1B Your AI Model: Is it Ready for Prime Time?
Repeated in 2B

This session will provide a comprehensive evaluation of risk associated with the use of AI models in financial crimes compliance technology. Focusing on the production deployment of AI models, we will discuss how, when, and why AI risks emerge, and the domains and subdomains particularly impacted by AI risks. Our goal is to provide an accessible overview of the AI risk landscape, anchored in familiar knowledge and methods used for model risk management, validation, and governance. Whether you already have well-performing AI models or you are in the process of purchasing or building one, this session will be useful to you.

  • Conrad Boult, Managing Director, FTI Consulting
  • Meera Das, Vice President, AML Data Science and Analytics, Capital One 
  • Moderator/Speaker: Harsh Pandya, Vice President, Product Management, Saifr, Fidelity Investments

1C BaaS: Risks and Rewards
Repeated in 2C

Banking as a Service (BaaS) has offered opportunities for innovation and growth within the financial services industry, but it also can create regulatory and financial crime compliance risks for banks. Join our panel of experts as they discuss how to identify and mitigate the risks of BaaS while enjoying the rewards. 

  • Paul R. Achman, Senior Vice President, Director of Compliance, BankProv
  • Roberto J. Gonzalez, Partner, Paul/Weiss
  • Kendall Howell, Counsel, Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP
  • Moderator: Shannon Bennett, CRCM, CAMS, Senior Vice President, Compliance Technology Product Management, Wintrust Financial Corporation

1D Mitigating Sanctions Control Risks
Repeated in 2D

Join our high-powered panel as they identify and discuss the latest landscape of sanctions risks. You’ll hear prospectives directly from OFAC along with two attorneys who are experts in these matters. We’ll cover the full range of current challenges including Iranian and Russian-related sanctions, export control evasion, third party intermediary sanctions risks and more.

  • Jeremy Brayman, Head of Global Sanctions, Charles Schwab
  • Andrew Jensen, Managing Director, Global Head of Sanctions, TD Bank
  • Jason E. Prince, Partner, International Trade, Export Controls and Economic Sanctions, Akin
  • Lawrence Scheinert, Acting Deputy Director, OFAC
  • Moderator: Heather Trew, Senior Vice President and Counsel, BSA, AML and Sanctions, American Bankers Association

1E Managing AML Risks During Ransomware Cyber Attacks
Repeated in 2E

As ransomware attacks continue to grow and take new forms, financial crimes professionals are more deeply involved in incident response. This session will discuss ransomware attack scenarios and how AML and Fraud professionals address OFAC sanctions risks and SAR filing obligations as part of the incident response plan. We’ll also talk about what happens when bank customers choose to pay the ransom. 

  • LeAnne B. McCorvey, CRCM, CISSP, Senior Vice President, Chief Information Security Officer, Capital City Bank
  • Aimee R. Schad, Vice President, JPMorgan Chase Bank, NA
  • Moderator: John Carlson, Senior Vice President, Cybersecurity Regulation and Resilience, American Bankers Association

1F Identifying Fraud Indicators from Consumer Calls, Complaints, and Disputes
Repeated in 2F

How do consumer compliance regulations intersect with fraud controls? Specifically, do your complaint controls intersect with fraud controls? Join us as we explore how to detangle complications that arise between two units when clear controls are not in place.

  • Lindsay Lindmier (Hagan), CAMS, CAFP, VP, Director of Financial Crimes - BSA/OFAC Officer, Security National Bank
  • Richard Vitale, CFE, Senior Vice President, Assistant Director-Fraud Risk Management, Valley National Bank
  • Moderator: Sepideh Rowland, Senior Managing Director, FTI Consulting, Financial Services Practice

11:45 AM - 1:00 PM

Innovation Showcase Luncheon

It’s lunch and a show – an innovation show. Enjoy a lunch with your peers as innovators share their latest offerings designed to solve your toughest challenges! They only have 5 minutes each to get to the point before they are played off! It’s engaging, informative and fun!

Featured presentations include:

  • American Bankers Association
  • American Bar Association Criminal Justice Section
  • FTI Consulting
  • Lenders Cooperative / Summit Technology Group
  • Nasdaq Verafin

1:00 PM - 1:30 PM

Dessert Break in the Hub

Your conference experience isn’t complete until you visit our corporate partners in the exhibitor Hub.

Sponsored by Abrigo

1:30 PM - 2:15 PM

Repeated from Series #1

2A New Red Flags in Fentanyl Trafficking
Repeated from 1A

As bad actors continue their efforts to allude authorities, they devise new schemes in their attempts to hide illicit fentanyl trafficking. Join us as we discuss the latest threats and actionable steps you can take to mitigate the risks.

  • Julie Carruthers, Director, Narcotics and National Security Section, IRS Criminal Investigation
  • Anthony (Tony) Sankey, Chief, Money Laundering, Forfeiture and Bank Fraud Unit, Federal Bureau of Investigation
  • Richard Weber, Partner, Winston & Strawn LLP
  • Moderator: Stephanie Brooker, Partner, Gibson Dunn & Crutcher LLP

2B Your AI Model: Is it Ready for Prime Time?
Repeated from 1B

This session will provide a comprehensive evaluation of risk associated with the use of AI models in financial crimes compliance technology. Focusing on the production deployment of AI models, we will discuss how, when, and why AI risks emerge, and the domains and subdomains particularly impacted by AI risks. Our goal is to provide an accessible overview of the AI risk landscape, anchored in familiar knowledge and methods used for model risk management, validation, and governance. Whether you already have well-performing AI models or you are in the process of purchasing or building one, this session will be useful to you.

  • Conrad Boult, Managing Director, FTI Consulting
  • Meera Das, Vice President, AML Data Science and Analytics, Capital One 
  • Moderator/Speaker: Harsh Pandya, Vice President, Product Management, Saifr, Fidelity Investments

2C BaaS: Risks and Rewards
Repeated from 1C

Banking as a Service (BaaS) has offered opportunities for innovation and growth within the financial services industry, but it also can create regulatory and financial crime compliance risks for banks. Join our panel of experts as they discuss how to identify and mitigate the risks of BaaS while enjoying the rewards. 

  • Paul R. Achman, Senior Vice President, Director of Compliance, BankProv
  • Roberto J. Gonzalez, Partner, Paul/Weiss
  • Kendall Howell, Counsel, Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP
  • Moderator: Shannon Bennett, CRCM, CAMS, Senior Vice President, Compliance Technology Product Management, Wintrust Financial Corporation

2D Mitigating Sanctions Control Risks
Repeated from 1D

Join our high-powered panel as they identify and discuss the latest landscape of sanctions risks. You’ll hear prospectives directly from OFAC along with two attorneys who are experts in these matters. We’ll cover the full range of current challenges including Iranian and Russian-related sanctions, export control evasion, third party intermediary sanctions risks and more.

  • Jeremy Brayman, Head of Global Sanctions, Charles Schwab
  • Andrew Jensen, Managing Director, Global Head of Sanctions, TD Bank
  • Jason E. Prince, Partner, International Trade, Export Controls and Economic Sanctions, Akin
  • Lawrence Scheinert, Acting Deputy Director, OFAC
  • Moderator: Heather Trew, Senior Vice President and Counsel, BSA, AML and Sanctions, American Bankers Association

2E Managing AML Risks During Ransomware Cyber Attacks
Repeated from 1E

As ransomware attacks continue to grow and take new forms, financial crimes professionals are more deeply involved in incident response. This session will discuss ransomware attack scenarios and how AML and Fraud professionals address OFAC sanctions risks and SAR filing obligations as part of the incident response plan. We’ll also talk about what happens when bank customers choose to pay the ransom.

  • LeAnne B. McCorvey, CRCM, CISSP, Senior Vice President, Chief Information Security Officer, Capital City Bank
  • Aimee R. Schad, Vice President, JPMorgan Chase Bank, NA
  • Moderator: John Carlson, Senior Vice President, Cybersecurity Regulation and Resilience, American Bankers Association

2F Identifying Fraud Indicators from Consumer Calls, Complaints, and Disputes
Repeated from 1F

How do consumer compliance regulations intersect with fraud controls? Specifically, do your complaint controls intersect with fraud controls? Join us as we explore how to detangle complications that arise between two units when clear controls are not in place.

  • Lindsay Lindmier (Hagan), CAMS, CAFP, VP, Director of Financial Crimes - BSA/OFAC Officer, Security National Bank
  • Richard Vitale, CFE, Senior Vice President, Assistant Director-Fraud Risk Management, Valley National Bank
  • Moderator: Sepideh Rowland, Senior Managing Director, FTI Consulting, Financial Services Practice

2:15 PM - 2:30 PM

Move to Next Session

2:30 PM - 3:15 PM

Repeated in Series #4

3A Managing New Risks in Account Closure
Repeated in 4A

Account closure has become a new focus for consumer compliance examiners who are reviewing unintended consequences of closing accounts due to BSA/AML and Fraud risks. Regulators are looking for deeper documentation regarding these decisions to assure them that account closures are not systematically impacting underbanked populations. Join this panel as they discuss ongoing customer due diligence practices and documentation that you should consider in updating your account closure policies and procedures.

  • Marilu Jimenez, Chief Compliance Officer, Nave Bank
  • Aaron Stroud, Head of Sales - North America, Refine Intelligence
  • Moderator/Speaker: Nicolas Khouri, CAMS Deputy AML Officer, Senior Compliance Director, Financial Crimes Compliance, Ally Bank

3B Engaging with Crypto: Can It Be Done Safely?
Repeated in 4B

This session will review the full range of risk exposures related to crypto and how to mitigate those risks. 

  • Paul Ahern, Counselor for Enforcement, US Department of the Treasury
  • Melissa Strait, Chief Compliance Officer, Coinbase
  • Moderator/Speaker: Ari Redbord, Global Head of Policy and Government Affairs, TRM Labs

3C Beyond the ABC’s of CBD
Repeated in 4C

With legislation still pending, CBD and cannabis remains a risk. Join this panel as we walk through current bank liability risks, the DOJ rule to reschedule cannabis and the impact to bank programs and other key risks and mitigation tactics.

  • Daniel Gutierrez, Vice President and Regulatory Risk Manager, Ocean Bank
  • Steven Kemmerling, Founder and CEO, CRB Monitor
  • Christopher Phillips, Director, AML Compliance, Valley National Bank
  • Moderator: Heather Trew, Senior Vice President and Counsel (AML/CFT/ Sanctions), American Bankers Association

3D Advanced Level AML Governance Practices
Repeated in 4D

There can’t be a financial crimes conference without a governance session and this year’s session promises to be different! In addition to discussions surrounding the key metrics that drive effectiveness, this session will explore how to work with fraud partners in determining what to measure and areas in need of transparency. We’ll also discuss advanced-level operational considerations between the three lines of defense, especially testing, model risk management and audit.

  • Brian Fellows, Director, Risk Management, National Bank of Kansas City
  • Brent M. Hausfeld, CAMS, Senior Vice President, Financial Crimes Program Effectiveness and Strategy, US Bank 
  • Megan D. Hodge, CAMS, Executive Compliance Director, BSA/AML Officer, Enterprise Compliance Regulatory Affairs, Ally Bank
  • Moderator: Alicia Hobbs, CAMS, CRCM, CIA, Compliance Program Director – AML Program Management, Ally Bank 

3E Fraud and Vulnerable Customers: Bank Roles and Responsibilities
Repeated in 4E

This session is an opportunity for you to benchmark your program against leading practitioners. Discussions will include romance and elder fraud, human trafficking and pig butchering. 

  • Jim Hitchcock, Vice President, Fraud Mitigation, American Bankers Association
  • Courtney Johnson, CFE, Executive Director, Investigations Manager, Vulnerable Adult Investigations, JPMorgan Chase& Co.
  • Jarod Koopman, Executive Director, Cyber and Forensic Services, IRS-Criminal Investigation
  • Ray Olsen CFS, CBAP, Senior Vice President, Director of Enterprise Fraud Management, Wintrust Financial, Corporation/ISCSF
  • Moderator: Julian L. Andre’, Partner, McDermott Will & Emery LLP 

3F Checks: The New Fraud Frontier
Repeated in 4F

Even though checks represent 9% of payments, check fraud represents 60% of total fraud and is the payment method most vulnerable to fraud. This session will cover the latest in mitigating these risks for your bank and your customers, including discussion surrounding identity fraud and KYC.

  • Karen Boyer, Senior Vice President, Fraud Intelligence, M&T Bank Corporation
  • Jimmy Heffernan, Executive Director, JPMorgan Chase & Co.
  • Lloyd E. McIntyre III, CFE, Examination Specialist (Fraud), Division of Risk Management Supervision, Cyber Fraud and Financial Crimes Section, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
  • Moderator: Patrick Smith, Senior Vice President, Fraud Operations, Security, American Bankers Association 

3:15 PM - 3:30 PM

Move to Next Session

3:30 PM - 4:30 PM


Cybersecurity: Top Threats and Responses

Keynote Address:

  • Juan C. Zarate, Global Co-Managing Partner and Chief Strategy Officer, K2 Integrity

4:30 PM - 5:30 PM

Reception in The Hub

Join us for Oktoberfest as we catch up on the latest innovations and with each other!

Wed, Oct 9

7:30 AM - 5:00 PM

Registration Open

7:30 AM - 8:15 AM


Power Breakfast #1

Emerging AML/Fraud Professionals: Advancing Your Career Through Advanced Certification

Interested in learning out more about ABA’s financial crime certification? Join current Certified AML and Fraud Professionals over continental breakfast and learn why the CAFP is unique to the banking industry and how to earn the certification.

Sponsored by: ABA Certification & Schools

8:00 AM - 8:30 AM

Continental Breakfast in the Foyer

Sponsored by Sigma360

8:30 AM - 10:00 AM


Government Efforts to Disrupt Illicit Finance Networks: An Interagency Briefing

We will begin this morning with a fireside chat between ABA’s own Heather Trew and the Commerce Department’s Assistant Secretary for Export Enforcement, Matthew Axelrod. Having never hosted the Commerce Department, despite their significant responsibilities in export controls, we are honored to have the Assistant Secretary bring us up to speed and how the banking industry can continue to support US efforts.

This discussion will be followed by a second fireside chat between Heather Trew, the Director of FinCEN, Andrea Gacki and the Acting Director of OFAC, Lisa Palluconi. This must-see conversation features a discussion on where collaboration is furthering efforts to disrupt illicit finance networks. The discussion will range from shared compliance expectations and enforcement concerns to how they are leveraging feedback loops between sanctions actions, guidance, and financial intelligence to improve their joint impact in securing our nation’s financial system against bad actors.

Part 1: Fireside Chat on Export Control

  • Matthew S. Axelrod, Assistant Secretary for Export Enforcement, U.S. Department of Commerce
  • Moderator: Heather Trew, Senior Vice President and Counsel, BSA, AML and Sanctions, American Bankers Association

Part 2: Working Together: A Fireside Chat Between FinCEN and OFAC

  • Andrea Gacki, Director, Financial Crimes Enforcement Network
  • Lisa Palluconi, Acting Director, Office of Foreign Assets Control
  • Moderator: Heather Trew, Senior Vice President and Counsel, BSA, AML and Sanctions, American Bankers Association 

10:00 AM - 10:45 AM

Break in the Hub

Sponsored by Promontory Financial Group, an IBM Company

10:45 AM - 11:30 AM

Repeated from Series #3

4A Managing New Risks in Account Closure
Repeated from 3A

Account closure has become a new focus for consumer compliance examiners who are reviewing unintended consequences of closing accounts due to BSA/AML and Fraud risks. Regulators are looking for deeper documentation regarding these decisions to assure them that account closures are not systematically impacting underbanked populations. Join this panel as they discuss ongoing customer due diligence practices and documentation that you should consider in updating your account closure policies and procedures.

  • Marilu Jimenez, Chief Compliance Officer, Nave Bank
  • Aaron Stroud, Head of Sales - North America, Refine Intelligence
  • Moderator/Speaker: Nicolas Khouri, CAMS Deputy AML Officer, Senior Compliance Director, Financial Crimes Compliance, Ally Bank

4B Engaging with Crypto: Can It Be Done Safely?
Repeated from 3B

This session will review the full range of risk exposures related to crypto and how to mitigate those risks. 

  • Paul Ahern, Counselor for Enforcement, US Department of the Treasury
  • Melissa Strait, Chief Compliance Officer, Coinbase
  • Moderator/Speaker: Ari Redbord, Global Head of Policy and Government Affairs, TRM Labs

4C Beyond the ABC’s of CBD 
Repeated from 3C

With legislation still pending, CBD and cannabis remains a risk. Join this panel as we walk through current bank liability risks, the DOJ rule to reschedule cannabis and the impact to bank programs and other key risks and mitigation tactics.

  • Daniel Gutierrez, Vice President and Regulatory Risk Manager, Ocean Bank
  • Steven Kemmerling, Founder and CEO, CRB Monitor
  • Christopher Phillips, Director, AML Compliance, Valley National Bank
  • Moderator: Heather Trew, Senior Vice President and Counsel (AML/CFT/ Sanctions), American Bankers Association

4D Advanced Level AML Governance Practices
Repeated from 3D

There can’t be a financial crimes conference without a governance session and this year’s session promises to be different! In addition to discussions surrounding the key metrics that drive effectiveness, this session will explore how to work with fraud partners in determining what to measure and areas in need of transparency. We’ll also discuss advanced-level operational considerations between the three lines of defense, especially testing, model risk management and audit. 

  • Brian Fellows, Director, Risk Management, National Bank of Kansas City
  • Brent M. Hausfeld, CAMS, Senior Vice President, Financial Crimes Program Effectiveness and Strategy, US Bank 
  • Megan D. Hodge, CAMS, Executive Compliance Director, BSA/AML Officer, Enterprise Compliance Regulatory Affairs, Ally Bank
  • Moderator: Alicia Hobbs, CAMS, CRCM, CIA, Compliance Program Director – AML Program Management, Ally Bank

4E Fraud and Vulnerable Customers: Bank Roles and Responsibilities
Repeated from 3E

This session is an opportunity for you to benchmark your program against leading practitioners. Discussions will include romance and elder fraud, human trafficking and pig butchering.

  • Jim Hitchcock, Vice President, Fraud Mitigation, American Bankers Association
  • Courtney Johnson, CFE, Executive Director, Investigations Manager, Vulnerable Adult Investigations, JPMorgan Chase& Co.
  • Jarod Koopman, Executive Director, Cyber and Forensic Services, IRS-Criminal Investigation
  • Ray Olsen CFS, CBAP, Senior Vice President, Director of Enterprise Fraud Management, Wintrust Financial, Corporation/ISCSF
  • Moderator: Julian L. Andre’, Partner, McDermott Will & Emery LLP 

4F Checks: The New Fraud Frontier
Repeated from 3F

Even though checks represent 9% of payments, check fraud represents 60% of total fraud and is the payment method most vulnerable to fraud. This session will cover the latest in mitigating these risks for your bank and your customers, including discussion surrounding identity fraud and KYC.

  • Karen Boyer, Senior Vice President, Fraud Intelligence, M&T Bank Corporation
  • Jimmy Heffernan, Executive Director, JPMorgan Chase & Co.
  • Lloyd E. McIntyre III, CFE, Examination Specialist (Fraud), Division of Risk Management Supervision, Cyber Fraud and Financial Crimes Section, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
  • Moderator: Patrick Smith, Senior Vice President, Fraud Operations, Security, American Bankers Association 

11:30 PM - 1:00 PM


The Latest News from Washington

This is your inside-the-beltway briefing on the latest key AML/CFT and fraud policy issues that impact how everything you do. We will also walk through new industry initiatives underway in mitigating fraud.

  • Rob Nichols, President and CEO, American Bankers Association
  • Paul Benda, Executive Vice President, Risk, Fraud and Cybersecurity, American Bankers Association
  • Heather Trew, Senior Vice President and Counsel (AML/CFT/ Sanctions), American Bankers Association

1:00 PM - 1:30 PM

Dessert Break in the Hub

1:30 PM - 2:15 PM

Repeated in Series #6

5A FinCEN and DOJ Whistleblower Programs Take Center Stage: Preparing for Increased Whistleblower Activity
Repeated in 6A

The government is increasingly relying on whistleblowers to identify potential BSA, AML, and sanctions violations. FinCEN’s enhanced whistleblower program is ramping up, with over 100 whistleblower complaints in the past year and new whistleblower regulations on the horizon. And DOJ recently announced its own whistleblower pilot program, which specifically targets criminal abuses of the US financial system. This session will update you on the status of the FinCEN and DOJ whistleblower programs, discuss how these whistleblower programs will impact your bank, and provide practical guidance on actions that your bank should take now to prepare for an increase in whistleblower complaints. The session will also address the ethical considerations bankers and lawyers may face when presented with whistleblower complaints.

  • Whitney Case, Associate Director, Enforcement and Compliance Division, FinCEN
  • Gordon Greenberg, Counsel, McDermott Will and Emery
  • Moderator: Julian L. Andre, Partner, McDermott Will & Emery LLP 

5B AML, Fraud and Technology: Can’t We All Get Along? Successful Collaboration Between BSA, Fraud and IT
Repeated in 6B

As AML and Fraud solutions continue to evolve, the need for BSA and Fraud officers to understand and speak to the benefits and output of their solutions is expected. The ability to collaborate with your IT partner (both internal and vendor) provides you with a better understanding of how your data is being leveraged to tune your system, helps ensure you are using your system to manage your resources appropriately and provides opportunities to maximize what's possible. This session explores common obstacles, such as ensuring you are speaking the same language and expecting the same results.

  • Peter H. Bucka, Senior Vice President, Senior Director of Software Engineering, Head of Risk, Compliance and Enterprise Fraud Tech, US Bank
  • Robert (Bob) Hager, Lead Business Consultant, NICE Actimize
  • Moderator: Shannon Bennett, CRCM, CAMS, Senior Vice President, Compliance Technology Product Management, Wintrust Financial Corporation

5C Managing Insider Threats 
Repeated in 6C

This session will bring together expert bankers, the chief of DOJ’s Bank Integrity Unit, a senior law enforcement representative, and defense counsel to discuss preventing, detecting and reporting insider threats—and lessons learned from investigating and defending banks when insiders manage to evade the banks’ controls to misuse customer funds. Prepare to benchmark your own insider risk program against current red flags such as dual employment, 401K disbursements, branch staff risks, and more, so that you can update or enhance your own bank’s controls.

  • Michael P. Grady, Chief, Bank Integrity Unit, Money Laundering and Asset Recovery Section, U.S. Department of Justice, Criminal Division
  • Dale M. Kasprzyk, Senior Vice President/Senior Compliance Manager, Head of the Financial Investigations Unit: BSA/AML, M&T Bank
  • Michael J. Leotta, Partner, WilmerHale
  • Moderator: Marcy Forman, CAMS, CGSS, Head of Complex Investigations, TD Bank, National Association

5D Straight from DC: Updates on AML/CFT Program Rule, CDD Rule and CIP Rule
Repeated in 6D

While we typically do not focus a session on a proposed rule, we feel this proposed rule could have significant impact for AML Officers. We’ll walk through the proposal, the potential for being approved as proposed, and changes you may need to begin considering now.

  • Heather Trew, Senior Vice President and Counsel (AML/CFT/ Sanctions), American Bankers Association
  • Moderator: Marilu Jimenez, Chief Compliance Officer, Nave Bank

5E Is Your Fraud Team Exam Ready?
Repeated in 6E

Being ready for an exam is a new responsibility for your Fraud Team. BSA officers have many lessons learned over the years of being examined and it is a great time for BSA officers to take that understanding and provide guidance to their colleagues in Fraud. Join us as we outline key exam areas that BSA officers should collaborate and coordinate on with their fraud partners, including: documentation, responding to examiner requests, SAR filing shared responsibilities – and more.

  • Karen Boyer, Senior Vice President, Fraud Intelligence, M&T Bank
  • Matthew S. Haslinger, Chief BSA/AML Officer, M&T Bank 
  • Jonathan Mastrangelo, Chief Compliance Officer, PNC Financial Services Group
  • Heidi D. Ponder, CAMS, CAFP, BSA Officer, Centier Bank
  • Moderator: Patrick Smith, Senior Vice President, Fraud Operations, Security, American Bankers Association

5F Impersonation Scams and Fraudulent Documents – Risks and Obligations
Repeated in 6F

Impersonation scams continue to morph and shift, creating significant difficulties for you and your customers. Fraudulent documentation has escalated and bankers are looking for new ways to mitigate the risks. Join us as we talk through current trends and risk mitigation actions and obligations.

  • Shelby Dacko, Team Coordinator and Human Risk Analyst, Social-Engineer, LLC
  • John McVoy, JD, CAMS, CRCM, Senior Vice President, Director of Financial Crimes Risk Management, Heartland Financial USA
  • Ray Olsen CFS, CBAP, Senior Vice President, Director of Enterprise Fraud Management, Wintrust Financial Corporation
  • Moderator: Jim Hitchcock, Vice President, Fraud Mitigation, American Bankers Association

2:15 PM - 2:30 PM

Move to Next Session

2:30 PM - 3:15 PM

Repeated from Series #5

6A FinCEN and DOJ Whistleblower Programs Take Center Stage: Preparing for Increased Whistleblower Activity
Repeated from 5A

The government is increasingly relying on whistleblowers to identify potential BSA, AML, and sanctions violations. FinCEN’s enhanced whistleblower program is ramping up, with over 100 whistleblower complaints in the past year and new whistleblower regulations on the horizon. And DOJ recently announced its own whistleblower pilot program, which specifically targets criminal abuses of the US financial system. This session will update you on the status of the FinCEN and DOJ whistleblower programs, discuss how these whistleblower programs will impact your bank, and provide practical guidance on actions that your bank should take now to prepare for an increase in whistleblower complaints. The session will also address the ethical considerations bankers and lawyers may face when presented with whistleblower complaints.

  • Whitney Case, Associate Director, Enforcement and Compliance Division, FinCEN
  • Gordon Greenburg, Counsel, McDermott Will and Emery
  • Moderator: Julian L. Andre, Partner, McDermott Will & Emery LLP

6B AML, Fraud and Technology: Can’t We All Get Along? Successful Collaboration Between BSA, Fraud and IT
Repeated from 5B

As AML and Fraud solutions continue to evolve, the need for BSA and Fraud officers to understand and speak to the benefits and output of their solutions is expected. The ability to collaborate with your IT partner (both internal and vendor) provides you with a better understanding of how your data is being leveraged to tune your system, helps ensure you are using your system to manage your resources appropriately and provides opportunities to maximize what's possible. This session explores common obstacles, such as ensuring you are speaking the same language and expecting the same results.

  • Peter H. Bucka, Senior Vice President, Senior Director of Software Engineering, Head of Risk, Compliance and Enterprise Fraud Tech, US Bank
  • Robert (Bob) Hager, Lead Business Consultant, NICE Actimize
  • Moderator: Shannon Bennett, CRCM, CAMS, Senior Vice President, Compliance Technology Product Management, Wintrust Financial Corporation

6C Managing Insider Threats
Repeated from 5C

This session will bring together expert bankers, the chief of DOJ’s Bank Integrity Unit, a senior law enforcement representative, and defense counsel to discuss preventing, detecting and reporting insider threats—and lessons learned from investigating and defending banks when insiders manage to evade the banks’ controls to misuse customer funds. Prepare to benchmark your own insider risk program against current red flags such as dual employment, 401K disbursements, branch staff risks, and more, so that you can update or enhance your own bank’s controls.

  • Michael P. Grady, Chief, Bank Integrity Unit, Money Laundering and Asset Recovery Section, U.S. Department of Justice, Criminal Division
  • Dale M. Kasprzyk, Senior Vice President/Senior Compliance Manager, Head of the Financial Investigations Unit: BSA/AML, M&T Bank
  • Michael J. Leotta, Partner, WilmerHale
  • Moderator: Marcy Forman, CAMS, CGSS, Head of Complex Investigations, TD Bank, National Association

6D Straight from DC: Updates on AML/CFT Program Rule, CDD Rule and CIP Rule
Repeated from 5D

While we typically do not focus a session on a proposed rule, we feel this proposed rule could have significant impact for AML Officers. We’ll walk through the proposal, the potential for being approved as proposed, and changes you may need to begin considering now.

  • Heather Trew, Senior Vice President and Counsel (AML/CFT/ Sanctions), American Bankers Association 
  • Moderator: Marilu Jimenez, Chief Compliance Officer, Nave Bank

6E Is Your Fraud Team Exam Ready?
Repeated from 5E

Being ready for an exam is a new responsibility for your Fraud Team. BSA officers have many lessons learned over the years of being examined and it is a great time for BSA officers to take that understanding and provide guidance to their colleagues in Fraud. Join us as we outline key exam areas that BSA officers should collaborate and coordinate on with their fraud partners, including: documentation, responding to examiner requests, SAR filing shared responsibilities – and more.

  • Karen Boyer, Senior Vice President, Fraud Intelligence, M&T Bank
  • Matthew S. Haslinger, Chief BSA/AML Officer, M&T Bank
  • Jonathan Mastrangelo, Chief Compliance Officer, PNC Financial Services Group
  • Heidi D. Ponder, CAMS, CAFP, BSA Officer, Centier Bank
  • Moderator: Patrick Smith, Senior Vice President, Fraud Operations, Security, American Bankers Association

6F Impersonation Scams and Fraudulent Documents – Risks and Obligations
Repeated from 5F

Impersonation scams continue to morph and shift, creating significant difficulties for you and your customers. Fraudulent documentation has escalated and bankers are looking for new ways to mitigate the risks. Join us as we talk through current trends and risk mitigation actions and obligations. 

  • Shelby Dacko, Team Coordinator and Human Risk Analyst, Social-Engineer, LLC
  • John McVoy, JD, CAMS, CRCM, Senior Vice President, Director of Financial Crimes Risk Management, Heartland Financial USA
  • Ray Olsen CFS, CBAP, Senior Vice President, Director of Enterprise Fraud Management, Wintrust Financial Corporation
  • Moderator: Jim Hitchcock, Vice President, Fraud Mitigation, American Bankers Association

3:15 PM - 3:30 PM

Move to Next Session

3:30 PM - 4:30 PM


What is Your AI Risk Tolerance?

AI is no longer an “if” or even a “when” – it has become a question of “how”. Building a framework and establishing guardrails to manage the development of these AI solutions is imperative to address the new risks this technology poses. Understanding the impact of these solutions on your compliance program and how your staff interacts with the results are integral to success. Experts will discuss the ongoing evolution of AI use cases in the financial crime space, how to establish risk tolerances related to AI, and they will highlight the risks and processes essential to evaluating solutions to augment their program.


  • Samuel Beck, Managing Director, Head of Applied AI for Payments Operations, JPMorgan Chase & Co.
  • Roy Dsa, Executive Vice President, Chief BSA/AML Officer, Huntington National Bank
  • Harsh Pandya, Vice President, Product Management, Saifr, Fidelity Investments 
  • Moderator: Sepideh Rowland, Senior Managing Director, FTI Consulting, Financial Services Practice

4:30 PM - 5:30 PM

Reception in the Hub

Thurs, Oct 10

7:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Registration Open

8:00 AM - 8:30 AM

Continental Breakfast in the Foyer

8:30 AM - 10:00 AM

Learning Labs - Series # 7

These 90-minute deep dives will provide an interactive opportunity to solve problems and share solutions. Choose one of five options – these will not be repeated.

7A Weaving Together Clues for a More Comprehensive Approach to SARs

This is not your typical SAR review session! We are looking to take an advance-level approach to upgrading your SAR review process. We’ll tackle real-life cases, talk about the intersection of disbursed information and data across your organization, and how to build a collaborative network both within and external to your organization to further law enforcement investigations while meeting your regulatory obligations. This engaging session and exercise will help you understand the power of collaboration and wealth of information banks often do not leverage.

  • Katie Franklin, CAMS, CFE, Vice President, BSA Officer, BSA Department, Wintrust Financial Corporation
  • Dale M. Kasprzyk, Senior Vice President/Senior Compliance Manager, Head of the Financial Investigations Unit: BSA/AML, M&T Bank
  • David Tyree, U.S. Chief of Compliance, Asset Reality Inc. 
  • Moderator: Sepideh Rowland, CBCO, CAFP, Senior Managing Director, FTI Consulting

7B Deep Dive on Deep Fakes

You’ve seen news items on deep fakes and likely have seen some demos…but we’re going to go deep into the chaos of AI and fraud. We’ll explore the current threat trends and how experts are looking to mitigate those risks.

  • Gasan Awad, Senior Vice President, Enterprise Fraud Product Management, PNC Bank
  • Conor White, President, Strategic Initiatives, Daon
  • Moderator: Paul Benda, Executive Vice President, Risk, Fraud and Cybersecurity, American Bankers Association

7C Enhancing your AML/CFT Program Through Effective Data Analytics and Innovation

Learn some new practical and innovative approaches in enhancing your AML/CFT Program by understanding the capabilities within your system, the use of effective data analytics for modeling/tuning and reporting. From efficiency gains to risk reduction, we’ll discuss best practices that will help you meet regulatory expectations and manage risk of emerging threats.

  • Timothy Lutz, Managing Director, Compliance Data, Innovation and Technology, State Street Bank
  • Michael Q. Morrison, CAMS, Vice President, Compliance Technology Product Management, Wintrust Financial Corporation
  • Shannon Bennett, CRCM, CAMS, Senior Vice President, Compliance Technology Product Management, Wintrust Financial Corporation

7D Making Your Organizational Structure Work for You

In this session, we’ll divide the room and have groups who have a centralized approach to managing fraud and AML, meet together and those with a decentralized approach to explore the tactics of how you make your approach more successful. Through a facilitated discussion, we’ll help you share with your peers strong practices as well as collaborate on new approaches. This session is designed to be less lecture and more peer-to-peer conversation in improving overall collaborative practices, regardless of how your organization is designed.

  • Michael Hall, Senior Vice President, Direcor of AML and Sanctions and BSA Officer, Fifth Third
  • Rebecca “Becky” Schauer Robertson, CAMS-Audit, CFE, CAFP, CCIExecutive Vice President-BSA Officer and Director Financial Crimes Compliance, Blue Ridge Bank, NA
  • Kristin Wenske, Director, Guidehouse
  • Moderator: Megan D. Hodge, CAMS, Executive Compliance Director, BSA/AML Officer, Enterprise Compliance Regulatory Affairs, Ally Bank

7E AML and Fraud Officers of the Future: Managing Your Career in Financial Crimes

In this session we will discuss strategies for effectively managing your career path. What does it take to go up the ranks, planning beyond the plan. Adaptability and continuous learning: reskilling for a technology-based job role; strategic development of subject matter experts and generalists to create strong career paths. Maximizing new interactions with key stakeholders within the organization, your influence with other departments. We will also discuss mentoring and sponsorship from two perspectives: how to become one and finding a mentor that can lead to a transformative experience for personal and professional growth.

  • Jeff Gontero, Executive Director, Global Head of Coverage Strategy and Financial Crime Analytics, JPMorgan
  • Robert M. Iommazzo, Managing Director and Practice Leader, Global Practice Leader, Enterprise Risk and Analytics, ZRG
  • Moderator: Marilu Jimenez, Chief Compliance Officer, Nave Bank

10:00 AM - 10:15 AM

Move to Next Session

10:15 AM -12:00 PM


Moving Forward – Meeting Expectations of Regulators and Managing Your Institution’s Financial Crime Risks

We’ll begin with our traditional BSA/CFT Supervisory Panel focused on the latest enforcement concerns and hot button issues. We’ll also explore how regulators are managing the fraud crossover into AML regulatory oversight. We will conclude with banker-focused key recommendations from practitioners on where to focus efforts in the months ahead.

  • Michael (Mike) Benardo, Associate Director, Anti-Money Laundering and Cyber Fraud Branch, FDIC
  • James Martinelli, Deputy Associate Director, Policy Division, Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN)
  • Donna Murphy, Deputy Comptroller for Compliance Risk Policy, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC)
  • Suzanne Williams, Deputy Associate Director, Division of Supervision and Regulation, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
  • Moderator: Heather Trew, Senior Vice President and Counsel, BSA, AML and Sanctions, American Bankers Association

12:00 PM

Conference Concludes

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