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IRM Forum Program Rundown

IRM Forum is an intense four days of content designed for you to create the most effective risk strategy for your bank, covering critical risk topics such as AI and emerging technology, climate change, cyber events, digital strategies, professional liability and more. Our flagship programming includes three main components:

Build your risk strategy with the help of industry leaders and walk away with the tools to craft an ironclad plan to protect your bank. IRM Forum convenes experts in risk management who will share their insights on top modern risk considerations through a variety of sessions. Program formats include presentations from Keynote Speakers, Regulatory Outlooks, General Sessions, interactive Learning Labs and expert panels.

An IRM Forum hallmark that brings risk managers back year after year is the chance to schedule meetings with top corporate insurance partners. You’ll get your questions answered in person, consider future coverage options, and explore the latest products and solutions best suited for optimizing your bank’s coverage.

In-person networking is invaluable — IRM Forum’s location-themed receptions are ideal for building and deepening relationships with other risk managers, swapping success stories, and gaining peer points of view

The ROI of IRM Forum is clear — ABA curates everything you need to master your risk strategy, all in one place. In just four days, you’ll gain critical insights to be at the forefront of risk management and to prepare your bank for any challenges. Get ahead of the game and risk responsibly — sign up for updates to be the first to hear about IRM Forum 2026. 

2026 Schedule

We’re working on this event’s program. To see the types of sessions you can expect, check out the 2025 program.

2025 Schedule

  • Mon, Jan 27

  • Tues, Jan 28

  • Wed, Jan 29

Sun, Jan 26

11:30 AM - 6:00 PM

Registration Open

11:30 AM - 3:00 PM

Welcome Refreshments
Sponsored by CNA

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Lunch and Learn

Runaway Train: Managing the Impact of AI- Generated Disinformation in the Board Room

Cybersecurity experts fear that AI-generated content has the potential to distort our perception of reality. The rapid adoption of Generative AI is raising key questions about how disinformation will impact the democratic process as well as corporate governance, executive decision-making and, thus, corporate risk. Learn to combat disinformation and understand the related insurance coverage risks.

  • Kelly Geary, Esq., CIPP/US, ACP, CCP, Managing Principal, National Practice Leader, Professional, Executive and Cyber Solutions, Insurance Capital Solutions Group, EPIC 
  • Daniel J. Healy, Partner, Brown Rudnick, LLP 
  • Gregg Davis, Principal, Technical Advisory Solutions Leader, Professional, Executive and Cyber Solutions, Insurance Capital Solutions, EPIC

2:00 PM - 2:50 PM

Learning Lab

Avoiding Gaps in Cyber Coverage
The possibility of gaps in cyber coverage is unavoidable. Whether the policy wording needs improvement or insurance companies claim there is no coverage, surprised policyholders sometimes have little recourse. This panel will cover the potential gaps in cyber coverage — and ways to avoid them.

  • Daniel J. Healy, Partner, Brown Rudnick, LLP
  • Joe Tess, Managing Director, Stout

2:50 PM - 3:00 PM

BreakSponsored by Vantage Risk

3:00 PM - 3:45 PM

Learning Lab

ATM Theft Mitigation

ATM attacks are rising exponentially and the cyber threat of cash loss is on the increase in the US. The physical attack scheme still remains prevalent and there are things an ATM provider can do that help deter the thief. In this session, you’ll learn what the environment is experiencing over the past several years and understand the various methods of ATM theft. It will also teach what can be done to help prevent the attacks from occurring. 

  • Mark Lowers, CEO, Lowers Risk Group 
  • Tracey Santor, Product Manager, Travelers Bond & Specialty Insurance 

3:45 PM - 5:00 PM

Time Allotted to Meet With Corporate Partners

We know how important it is for you to be able to have one-on-one meetings with your underwriters and brokers. We have allotted these designated times for individual meetings.

5:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Opening Networking Reception 
Sponsored by AIG

(All are welcome)

Join us for the AIG Networking Reception. Taking place at the Harbor Foyer and Terrace, you will enjoy live music, a comfortable space to watch the NFL Conference Championship Games, a cocktail of your choosing and delicious hors d'oeuvres. Near conference registration, this event is the official kickoff for the 2025 Insurance Risk Management Forum.

Mon, Jan 27

7:30 AM - 4:00 PM

Registration Open

7:00 AM - 8:00 AM

Time Allotted to Meet With Corporate Partners
We know how important it is to have one-on-one meetings with your underwriters and brokers. We have allotted time for individual meetings.

7:30 AM - 8:00 AM

Continental Breakfast
Sponsored by SOMPO

8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Opening Welcome Keynote

Woodward on Washington: An Economic, Policy and Political Outlook

What do fluctuating interest rates, complex labor force dynamics and evolving geopolitical risks mean for your business and your customers? What pressing challenges will Congress and the White House face in 2025? Drawing on her extensive experience as an economist on Capitol Hill and an analyst on Wall Street, Joan Woodward will share her economic, public policy and political outlook in this data-driven, analytical and nonpartisan presentation. Woodward, who currently serves as Executive Vice President for Public Policy at Travelers, will also explore how the 2024 U.S. elections may impact insurance, tax policy and the broader economy.

  • Joan Woodward, President, Travelers Institute, Executive Vice President, Public Policy, The Travelers Companies, Inc

9:00 AM - 10:00 AM

General Session

The Updated Landscape of Fraud and Cyber Risks 

ABA Executive Vice President Paul Benda will review the latest trends in fraud and cyber scams. He’ll cover executive protection concerns, ubiquitous impersonation scams and how telecoms are enabling them, the perennial problem of check fraud, and the continued rising threats from AI (including video deepfakes). He’ll also mention ABA’s current efforts to mitigate these threats and explain why banks should take advantage of them. 

  • Paul Benda, Executive Vice President, Fraud and Cybersecurity, American Bankers Association

10:00 AM - 10:15 AM

Sponsored by Lockton

10:15 AM - 11:15 AM

General Session

Third-Party Risk
The Fed, FDIC and OCC recently published interagency guidance on third-party risk management, including guidance on vendor due diligence. How can banks best manage vendor due diligence, contractual risk transfer and ongoing vendor oversight? Find out in this general session.

  • Courtney C.T. Horrigan, Partner, Reed Smith
  • Jacqueline Quintal, Managing Director, Financial Institutions and Digital Asset Industry Leader, Marsh
  • Moderator: Karen S. Meck, Senior Vice President, Director Corporate Insurance and Procurement Oversight, Corporate Services, Santander

11:15 AM - 12:00 PM

General Session

AI and Insurability
Next-Gen AI is a tool that businesses of all sizes are being told they cannot afford to not use.  But how it is used and the liability that can come from its use remains legally unclear. Whether your insurance policies will respond to claims and potential liability is an immediate concern.  This panel will cover some of the policyholder arguments for coverage, as well as the responses from insurance companies.

  • Nick Reider, Senior Vice President, Deputy D&O Product Leader, AON
  • Samantha Billy, East Region Leader, Cyber Solutions, AON
  • Daniel J. Healy, Partner, Brown Rudnick, LLP 
  • Moderator: Joe Reynolds, Senior Vice President, Co-Leader, Financial Services Group, AON

12:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Lunch on Your Own: Time Allotted to Meet With Corporate Partners
We know how important it is for you to be able to have one-on-one meetings with your underwriters and brokers. We have allotted these designated times for individual meetings.

2:00 PM - 2:50 PM

Learning Lab

Loan Portfolio Risk and Insurance Availability

As insurers pull out of high hazard areas and/or sublimit coverage, banks need to assess and address contingent risk. Additionally, distressed assets continue to face higher risk of exposure from physical damage as more borrowers face financial hardship or choose to hand the keys over. You’ll learn: (1) How banks should insure assets; (2) How the voluntary market impacts the lender-placed insurance market; and (3) How best to customize your loan-level insurance strategy through the lifecycle of a loan. 

  • Mike Smith, Executive Vice President, Specialty Lending Practice, Alliant Insurance Services, Inc. 
  • Luke Hall, Managing Director, North America Special Risks, Amwins Global Risks
  • Pat Dennis, Senior Vice President, Insurance Director, Zions Bancorporation
  • Moderator: Lisa Drillich, Director, Corporate Risk and Insurance, Flagstar Financial, Inc. 

2:50 PM - 3:00 PM

BreakSponsored by Starr Indemnity

3:00 PM - 3:45 PM

Corporate Partners Leadership Panel Part 1

This year’s Corporate Partners Leadership Panel will feature two sessions: one on Monday and Tuesday, both at 3:00 PM.

  • Ron Borys, Senior Vice President, Managing Director, Industry Practice Leader, Alliant Financial Institutions Group, Alliant Insurance Services, Inc.
  • Eileen Yuen, Managing Director – National Practice Leader, Financial Institutions, Gallagher
  • Jerry Keup, Vice President National Underwriting Officer – Banks and Diversified Financial, Travelers
  • Alex Muralles, Head of Financial Institutions, Zurich
  • Bill Passanante, Insurance Recovery Partner, Co-Chair Insurance Recovery Practice, Anderson Kill
  • Kelly Geary, Esq., CIPP/US, ACP, CCP, Managing Principal, National Practice Leader, Professional, Executive and Cyber Solutions, Insurance Capital Solutions Group, EPIC 
  • Moderator: Jill Combs, Insurable Risk Management Consultant

3:45 PM - 4:15 PM

Cocktails and ConversationsSponsored by Inigo Limited

4:15 PM - 5:00 PM

Time Allotted to Meet With Corporate Partners
We know how important it is for you to be able to have one-on-one meetings with your underwriters and brokers. We have allotted these designated times for individual meetings.

5:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Yacht Rock
Sponsored by AON, EPIC, Marsh, Gallagher and WTW

(All are welcome)

Come rock out while looking at yachts! We’ll see you at the Marina Courtyard, with its breathtaking views of the water. Enjoy fresh seafood and a live band playing yacht rock, harking back to the days of Hall & Oates, Toto and the Doobie Brothers, to set the mood. Participate in interactive stations that will stick with you even after you leave IRM Forum.

Tues, Jan 28

7:30 AM - 4:00 PM

Registration Open

7:00 AM - 8:00 AM

Time Allotted to Meet With Corporate Partners
We know how important it is for you to be able to have one-on-one meetings with your underwriters and brokers. We have allotted these designated times for individual meetings.

7:30 AM - 8:00 AM

Continental Breakfast
Sponsored by Allianz

8:00 AM - 8:30 AM

Regulatory Outlook: State of the Market

Join us for an important state of the market outlook delivered by Rob Nichols, President and CEO of the American Bankers Association. Don’t miss your chance to explore anticipated regulations following the change in administration and their impact on your insurance risk management strategy.

  • Rob Nichols, President and CEO, American Bankers Association

8:30 AM - 9:20 AM

General Session

Navigating the Future: Understanding AI Risk Implications in Business and Society

John Bremen is WTW’s Chief Strategy, Innovation and Acceleration Officer. As a C-suite and board advisor, author and lecturer, and regular contributor to Forbes, he is frequently cited in global media such as the Wall Street Journal, CNBC, Bloomberg TV and CNN. He will share his insights on how AI is reshaping the way banks should strategize to fuel their bottom lines.

  • John Bremen, Managing Director, WTW

9:20 AM - 9:35 AM

BreakSponsored by Canopius

9:35 AM - 10:35 AM

General Session

From Breach to Boardroom: Mastering Cyber Incidents, Policy Protections and Regulatory Resilience

Regulatory bodies like the SEC and DOJ have made clear that they plan to hold people accountable for cyber risk management. Join us for a candid conversation — featuring the regulator perspective — around best practices in regulatory compliance after a data breach. With no shortage of emerging regulations, you’ll find out what to expect if a regulator comes calling.

  • John Farley, Managing Director, Cyber Practice Leader, Gallagher
  • Kim McLaughlin, Head of Directors and Officer Liability Product, AIG
  • Kate Hanniford, Partner, Alston & Bird
  • Moderator: Kristy Harris, Corporate Insurance Services - Head, JP Morgan Chase & Co

10:35 AM - 10:45 AM

BreakSponsored by Westfield Specialty Insurance

10:45 AM - 11:45 AM

General Session

Climate-Conscious Capital: Best Practices for Disclosures and Beyond

This session will offer a deep dive into the difficult decision-making process banks are facing regarding climate disclosures. The panel will touch on the NetZero Banking Alliance, the status of new SEC disclosure regulations finalized in 2024, and issues relevant to international exposures. D&O insurance is expected to take center stage as shareholders and the plaintiffs’ bar analyze climate disclosures for adequacy and materiality.

  • Alison W. MacLaren, Esq., Financial Institutions Product Officer, Zurich North America
  • Jacob Hupart, Member, Mintz
  • Moderator: Aaron M. Seiter, ARM, Senior Vice President, Corporate Insurance Executive, The PNC Financial Services Group, Inc.

11:45 AM - 2:00 PM

Lunch On Your Own: Time Allotted to Meet With Corporate Partners

We know how important it is for you to be able to have one-on-one meetings with your underwriters and brokers. We have allotted these designated times for individual meetings.

2:00 PM - 2:45 PM

General Session

Why Bermuda?

Bermuda has traditionally focused on low-frequency, high-severity risks, offering a comprehensive suite of financial lines coverages and a strong claims handling reputation. The regulatory environment in Bermuda promotes innovation and flexibility, allowing for the coverage of terms not suitable in the U.S., and providing a positive complement to North American and London platforms. Join us for a lively discussion about the Bermuda market from the perspectives of three leading Bermuda underwriters.

  • Sandra Soares, Managing Director – Head of Bermuda Professional Liability, Markel
  • Sarah Spurling, Senior Vice President – Head of Financial Lines, Bermuda, Sompo International, North America
  • Stephen Jones, Senior Vice President, Chubb
  • Moderator: Andrew B. Weisman, ARM, CPCU, Managing Director, Morgan Stanley, Risk and Insurance Management 

2:45 PM - 3:00 PM

Sponsored by Great American Insurance

3:00 PM - 3:45 PM

Learning Lab

Credit Insurance Solutions for Increased Lending and Optimizing Capital

With bank balance sheets facing growing headwinds — including the looming prospect of increased capital requirements — banks seek to expand the tools in their portfolio management toolkits to continue serving client needs in the face of these pressures. Credit insurance is one tool that removes the non-payment risk of borrowers and helps banks manage internal limit constraints because of concentrations on obligors, countries, sectors and industries by freeing up limits. It is also being employed by banks to achieve capital relief in many jurisdictions outside the U.S., and there could be a path forward depending on the final Basel rules in the U.S.

  • Azi Larsen, Managing Director, Marsh
  • Joe Glover, Underwriting Manager, Credit and Political Risk Insurance, Chubb
  • Rangan Sivanathan, Director, Global Credit Market Execution, RBC Capital Markets
  • Moderator: Julia Ferreira, Head of Corporate Insurance, BNY

3:45 PM - 4:15 PM

Learning Lab

Emerging D&O Coverage Issues for Financial Institutions and Banks:  A Review of Recent Issues and Caselaw

This session will provide a review of emerging D&O coverage issues for financial institutions and banks. The panel will focus on issues such as coverage for regulatory enforcement actions, relevant exclusions under D&O policies, cyber exposures, and recent caselaw relevant to these issues.

  • John M. Leonard, Shareholder, Co-Chair, Financial Services, Anderson Kill 
  • Raymond A. Mascia, Jr., ESQ, Shareholder, Co-Chair, Financial Services, Anderson Kill 

4:15 PM - 4:30 PM

Sponsored by Berkshire

4:30 PM - 5:15 PM

Corporate Partners Leadership Panel Part 2

This year’s Corporate Partners Leadership Panel will feature two sessions: one on Monday and Tuesday, both at 3:00 PM.

  • Tom Neufeld, Head of Financial Institutions, Financial Lines, AIG
  • Tim Fletcher, CEO Financial Services Group – US, AON
  • Alex deLaricheliene, Managing Director, WTW
  • Jacqueline Quintal, Managing Director, Financial Institutions and Digital Asset Industry Leader, Marsh
  • Daniel J. Healy, Partner, Brown Rudnick, LLP
  • Stephen Troiano, Executive Vice President, Financial Institutions, North America Financial Lines, Chubb
  • Moderator: Jill Combs, Insurable Risk Management Consultant

5:15 PM - 5:45 PM

Cocktails and Conversations
Sponsored by CAC Specialty

5:45 PM - 9:00 PM

Time Allotted to Meet With Corporate Partners
We know how important it is for you to be able to have one-on-one meetings with your underwriters and brokers. We have allotted these designated times for individual meetings.

9:00 PM - 10:00 PM

Bermuda Markets Brew Pub and Dueling Pianos

(All are welcome)

For a great last night in San Diego, join us for an event like no other! Dueling pianos is a lively and interactive musical performance style where two pianists play off each other. Typically, each pianist takes turns playing popular songs — and often compete for the audience's attention, showcasing their skills through improvisation, clever arrangements and playful rivalry. The format creates an engaging experience where everyone can sing along, clap and enjoy the energy of live music. A great time is guaranteed!

Wed, Jan 29

7:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Registration Open

7:00 AM - 8:30 AM

Time Allotted to Meet With Corporate Partners
We know how important it is for you to be able to have one-on-one meetings with your underwriters and brokers. We have allotted these designated times for individual meetings.

7:30 AM - 8:30 AM

Continental Breakfast
Sponsored by Aspen London

8:30 AM - 9:15 AM

General Session

The Resurgence of Cryptocurrency and Impact of Grayscale Decision on Risk and Insurance  

Are we on the cusp of a revolution that will transform financial markets as we know it? Cryptocurrency may now be used in exchange-traded-funds, a more mainstream kind of financial product. Plus, will FTX customers be made whole — with interest? From ETFs to SBF: The bigger and more mainstream the market for crypto becomes, the greater the risk. Hear about the crypto comeback and its effect on risk and insurance.

  • Anthony Tu-Sekine, Partner, Sewkis
  • Joseph Ziolkowski, Chief Executive Officer/Founder, Relm Insurance 
  • Claudia Ramone, CRM, CLS, Senior Vice President, Alternative Asset Management, EPIC
  • Moderator: Kelly Geary, Esq., CIPP/US, ACP, CCP, Managing Principal, National Practice Leader, Professional, Executive and Cyber Solutions, Insurance Capital Solutions Group, EPIC

9:15 AM - 9:30 AM

Sponsored by Liberty Mutual

9:30 AM - 10:15 AM

Learning Lab

Calibrating Wildfire Risk to Structures: Technology Solutions That Work

Insurance hard markets are directly attributable to rapid increases in risk profile that drive premiums skyward. Traditional insurance risk measurement tools are actuarially based, meaning they measure frequency and severity of past events like storms or floods and try to make future predictions based on the results. Wildfire damage is extremely resilient to these traditional measurements. Instead, fire technology companies have created complex combustion models that create a structure-specific fire profile score, with detailed directions on how best to reduce that score. Learn how to accurately measure the wildfire risk of properties in your mortgage portfolio and the evolution of risk technologies as insurance management tools.

  • J. Kevin A. McKechnie, Executive Director and Founder, ABA Health Savings Account Council, Senior Vice President and Director, ABA Office of Insurance Advocacy
  • Michele Cunningham, Head of Marketing, FortressFire
  • Duane Gibson, Consultant, GovBiz Advantage

10:15 AM - 11:00 AM

Learning Lab

IP Insurance: What’s Changed and Why Now? 

While many people might have heard of IP Insurance over the years, the IP Liability Insurance market looks dramatically different than it did even four years ago. Historically, IP risk has been managed in a silo by legal departments. But as the IP Insurance market has matured, risk managers, finance teams and legal teams are exploring IP Insurance to hedge volatility with these exposures and to manage banks’ ongoing investments in evolving technology exposures. 

  • Aaron M. Seiter, ARM, Senior Vice President, Corporate Insurance Executive, The PNC Financial Services Group, Inc. 
  • Peter Holz, Head of IP Risk and Structured Solutions, AON

11:00 AM - 11:15 AM

Chair’s Closing Remarks

11:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Peer Exchange Luncheon

Join us with your peers to discuss top-of-mind topics and lessons learned from the week.


Get updates on the Insurance Risk Management Forum as we develop this year's program. Contact Nyel Rountree if you have any questions.