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How to Submit Continuing Education (CE) Credit

View instructional video for tips on how to successfully submit your CE credit.
Attention: The same training program may only be added to your certification record one time during a 3-year CE cycle.

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Renewal Requirements

To maintain your Certified Regulatory Compliance Manager (CRCM) in good standing, the following are required:

To enter your continuing education credits and pay your annual fee, go to the Certification Manager.

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Pre-Approved ABA Options

The following ABA programs have been pre-approved for Certified Regulatory Compliance Manager (CRCM) continuing education (CE) credits as indicated below:

Course TitleCredits
ADA: Accessibility0.75
ADA: Employment1.00
ADA: How to Serve and Work with People Living with Disabilities1.00
Appraisals: Reg Z Requirements0.50
Bank Bribery Act0.50
Bank Bribery Act for Compliance Professionals0.75
Bank Director Training1.25
Bank Protection Act for Compliance Professionals0.75
Banking Basics Suite0.50
Board and Senior Management Oversight0.50
BSA/Anti-Money Laundering for Compliance Professionals1.75
BSA/AML: Beneficial Ownership and Customer Due Diligence0.75
BSA/AML: CIP Advanced0.75
BSA/AML: CIP Basics0.75
BSA/AML: Communicating with Customers about CTRs0.50
BSA/AML: Completing the CTR1.00
BSA/AML: Exempting Customers from CTR Reporting0.50
BSA/AML Fundamentals0.75
BSA/AML: Recordkeeping-Wires, Money Orders, and Other Challenges0.50
BSA/AML: Reporting0.50
BSA/AML: Risk Assessment and Customer Due Diligence0.25
BSA/AML: SAR Filing1.00
CAN-SPAM Act for Compliance Professionals0.75
Community Reinvestment Act (Reg BB)0.75
Community Reinvestment Act, Community Bank (CRA) for Compliance Professionals1.00
Community Reinvestment Act, Large Bank (CRA) for Compliance Professionals1.00
Credit Card Regulations for Compliance Professionals1.25
Cybersecurity Management1.25
Digital Compliance for Compliance Professionals1.25
Elder Financial Exploitation1.00
Electronic Funds Transfer Act (Reg E) for Compliance Professionals2.00
Elements of a Compliance Program for Compliance Professionals1.25
Elements of an Operational Risk Management Program1.00
Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA) for Compliance Professionals2.00
E-Sign Compliance0.75
Ethical Issues for Bankers1.00
Expedited Funds Availability Act (Reg CC) for Compliance Professionals1.00
Extending Credit to Bank Insiders (Reg O)0.75
Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) for Compliance Professionals2.25
Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA)0.75
Fair Housing Act for Compliance Professionals0.50
Fair Lending1.00
Flood Disaster Protection Act0.50
Flood Disaster Protection Act for Compliance Professionals1.25
Fraud and Criminal Threats1.00
Fraud Recognition and Prevention1.00
Enterprise Risk Management Reporting0.75
Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA)1.00
Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) for Compliance Professionals 2.50
Homeowners Protection Act0.75
Human Trafficking and Human Smuggling0.75
Identity Theft Red Flags Rule1.00
Introduction to Enterprise Risk Management0.50
Loans to Insiders (Reg O) for Compliance Professionals0.75
Military Lending Act (MLA)0.75
Military Lending Act for Compliance Professionals0.75
Mortgage Servicing: Arm Notices0.75
Mortgage Servicing: Early Intervention and Continuity of Contact0.75
Mortgage Servicing: Error Resolution1.00
Mortgage Servicing: Escrow Accounts1.00
Mortgage Servicing: Force-Placed Insurance1.00
Mortgage Servicing: Loan Origination and Servicing Transfers1.00
Mortgage Servicing: Loss Mitigation1.00
Mortgage Servicing: Overview1.00
Mortgage Servicing: Payment Crediting and Periodic Statements1.00
Mortgage Servicing: Successors in Interest1.00
Navigating Laws, Rules, and Regulations for Compliance Professionals1.25
Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC)0.50
Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) for Compliance Professionals1.25
Operational Risk Model Management1.50
Oversight and Management of Operational Risk1.25
Payments and Settlements1.00
Physical Security1.00
Privacy/Information Sharing for Compliance Professionals2.00
Privacy: Overview of Laws0.50
Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA) for Compliance Professionals1.00
Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA) Overview1.25
Reg B 10711.25
Regulatory Exam Management1.00
Reg Z Ability to Repay (ATR) and Qualified Mortgage (QM) for Compliance Professionals1.50
Reg Z Adjustable Rate Mortgages0.50
Reg Z Advertising0.50
Reg Z Closed-End Mortgage Credit for Compliance Professionals1.50
Reg Z Credit Cards0.75
Reg Z Foundations and Closed-End Non-Mortgage Credit for Compliance Professionals
Reg Z HELOCs (Open-End Credit)0.75
Reg Z HOEPA (Sect. 32) Loans and Higher-Priced Mortgage Loans1.00
Reg Z Installment and Home Equity Loans (Closed-End Credit)0.75
Reg Z Mortgages (Closed-End Credit)0.50
Reg Z Non Home Secured (Open-End Credit)0.50
Reg Z Open-End Credit for Compliance Professionals1.00
Reg Z Overview1.00
Reg Z Private Higher Education Loans0.50
Reg Z Reverse Mortgages0.50
Reg Z Right of Rescission0.75
Reg Z: TILA-RESPA Integrated Disclosures (TRID) for Compliance Professionals1.50
Reserve Requirements for Depository Institutions (Reg D) for Compliance Professionals0.75
Risk and Control Self Assessment1.25
Risk Identification0.50
Risk Management Control Frameworks0.50
Risk Mitigation0.50
Risk Monitoring0.75
Risk Policies, Procedures, and Limits0.50
S.A.F.E Mortgage Licensing Act (Reg G)0.50
Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA)0.50
Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) for Compliance Professionals1.25
Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) 0.50
TILA-RESPA Integrated Disclosures0.75
Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act for Compliance Professionals1.00
Truth in Savings (Reg DD) for Compliance Professionals1.50
Unfair, Deceptive, or Abusive Acts or Practices (UDAAP) for Compliance Professionals1.50
Vendor Risk Management1.25

Browse Available Programs

Program TitleCredits
Critical Risk Conversations: A Quarterly Webinar Series-Part 4, November 13, 20241.25
2024 Regulatory Updates and Compliance Challenges-Part 4, October 16, 20242.00
Credit Score Modernization-Description and Update, August 20, 20241.25
Critical Risk Conversations: A Quarterly Webinar Series-Part 3, August 14, 20241.25
Controlling Redlining Risks: How to Impact Performance, August 8, 20241.25
Dodd-Frank Section 1071 Implementation Considerations, July 25, 20241.25
2024 Regulatory Updates and Compliance Challenges-Part 3, July 17, 20242.00
Fannie/Freddie Serving Special and Underserved Populations, June 25, 20241.25
How Criminals Recruit and Use Insiders Against You, June 20, 20241.25
Fair Lending Model Risk, Less Discriminatory Alternatives, and Validation, June 5, 20241.25
Leveraging Enforcement Actions to Meet Current BSA/AML Regulatory Expectations, June 1, 20241.25
MRM Insights: ALM and Liquidity Modeling-Where are We Now?, May 23, 20241.25
Critical Risk Conversations: A Quarterly Webinar Series-Part 2, May 22, 20241.25
Appraisal Bias: Emerging Challenges in 2024, May 21, 20241.25
Navigating Today’s Mortgage Market, April 3rd, 20241.25
Five Key Model Risk Management Priorities for 2024, April 10, 20241.25
2024 Regulatory Updates and Compliance Challenges-Part 2, April 17, 20242.00
Five Key Model Risk Management Priorities for 2024, April 10, 20241.25
MRM Insights: Are Your Credit Models Really Ready for the Next Downturn, April 30, 20241.25
Deposits: Strategies to Manage Liquidity and Funding Costs, March 28, 20241.25
Critical Risk Conversations Part 1, February 14, 20241.25
The 2024 Fraud Landscape, January 24, 20241.25
2024 Regulatory Updates and Compliance Challenges-Part 1, January 25, 20242.00
Top Risks & Compliance Concerns for 2024, December 14, 20231.25
ESG-Conscious Capitalism: Implications and Strategies for Bankers, November 9, 20231.25
Tech Innovation and AI - Managing Risk in the Rapidly Evolving Landscape, November 7, 20231.25
Exploring the Financial Crime Risks and Landscape in Cannabis Banking, October 25, 20231.25

Due to changes in content, new program credits are added 30 days prior to the date of the event. Please check back to see the actual credits approved.

Program TitleCredits
ABA Compliance School-Advanced, October 14-18, 2024
ABA Advanced Risk Management School, October 14-17, 2024
ABA/ABA Financial Crimes Enforcement Conference, October 8-10, 2024
Risk and Compliance Conference (in-person & virtual), June 11 - 14, 2024
Conference for Community Bankers, February 11-13, 2024
ABA/ABA Financial Crimes Enforcement Conference, November 28 - 30, 2023
ABA Advanced Risk Management School, July 31 - August 3, 20233.75
ABA Compliance School-Advanced, October 16-20, 2023
Risk and Compliance Conference (in-person & virtual), June 13-16, 2023

*ABA will not accept any continuing education credits that have been earned through Bankers' Academy and the Edcomm Group.

Other CE Options and FAQs

Annual Fee Dates

You will receive a notice to pay your annual fee by email in October of each year. The fee is due no later than January 31 of the following year.

*The fee notice will be sent to your Certification Manager account’s primary email. Please be sure your primary email is up to date on your dashboard. We also encourage you to add a back-up email in the space provided to ensure that we can stay in contact with you.

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